6,269 research outputs found

    The American Airlines Case: A Chance to Clarify Predation Policy

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    Predation occurs when a firm offers consumers favorable deals, usually in the short run, that get rid of competition and thereby harm consumers in the long run. Modern economic theory has shown how commitment or collective-action problems among consumers can lead to such paradoxical effects. But the paradox does signal danger. Too hawkish a policy might ban favorable deals that are not predatory. It would be ironic indeed if the standards for predatory pricing liability were so low that antitrust suits themselves became a tool for keeping prices high. Predation policy must therefore diagnose the unusual cases where favorable deals harm competition. To this end, courts and commentators have largely defined predation as sacrifice followed, at least plausibly, by recoupment at consumers' expense. The American Airlines case raises difficult questions about this approach.

    The Role of Interactivity in Local Differential Privacy

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    We study the power of interactivity in local differential privacy. First, we focus on the difference between fully interactive and sequentially interactive protocols. Sequentially interactive protocols may query users adaptively in sequence, but they cannot return to previously queried users. The vast majority of existing lower bounds for local differential privacy apply only to sequentially interactive protocols, and before this paper it was not known whether fully interactive protocols were more powerful. We resolve this question. First, we classify locally private protocols by their compositionality, the multiplicative factor k1k \geq 1 by which the sum of a protocol's single-round privacy parameters exceeds its overall privacy guarantee. We then show how to efficiently transform any fully interactive kk-compositional protocol into an equivalent sequentially interactive protocol with an O(k)O(k) blowup in sample complexity. Next, we show that our reduction is tight by exhibiting a family of problems such that for any kk, there is a fully interactive kk-compositional protocol which solves the problem, while no sequentially interactive protocol can solve the problem without at least an Ω~(k)\tilde \Omega(k) factor more examples. We then turn our attention to hypothesis testing problems. We show that for a large class of compound hypothesis testing problems --- which include all simple hypothesis testing problems as a special case --- a simple noninteractive test is optimal among the class of all (possibly fully interactive) tests

    Post-Election Audits: Restoring Trust in Elections

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    With the intention of assisting legislators, election officials and the public to make sense of recent literature on post-election audits and convert it into realistic audit practices, the Brennan Center and the Samuelson Law, Technology and Public Policy Clinic at Boalt Hall School of Law (University of California Berkeley) convened a blue ribbon panel (the "Audit Panel") of statisticians, voting experts, computer scientists and several of the nation's leading election officials. Following a review of the literature and extensive consultation with the Audit Panel, the Brennan Center and the Samuelson Clinic make several practical recommendations for improving post-election audits, regardless of the audit method that a jurisdiction ultimately decides to adopt

    Comparison of heat sink and fan combinations and thermal electric coolers for use in the Mars Gravity Biosatellite

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    Thesis (S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2004.Includes bibliographical references.An experiment was conducted to help compare possible cooling methods for the payload module of the Mars Gravity Biosatellite. The Satellite will be launched into space with 15 mice on board and rotated to create a 0.38g centrifugal acceleration, the acceleration due to gravity on Mars. The mission will last 5 weeks and take valuable data on mammal's responses to extended periods of time in reduced gravity. Because of a large heat shield needed for reentering the Earth's atmosphere, the payload module is nearly perfectly insulated. It is therefore necessary to actively transport heat out of the capsule and radiate it off into space. A thermal electric cooler and a heat sink and fan combination were compared in this experiment for that purpose, using a Styrofoam cooler as a model payload. It was found that the fan and heat sink combination was more efficient than the thermal electric cooler. The coefficient of performances of the respective cooling elements was found to be 5.89 for the fan and heat sink while only 1.67 for the thermal electric cooler. However, it was also observed that the thermal electric cooler, while less efficient, could transport much more heat than the fan and heat sink alone, 26.4 Watts compared to 9.73 Watts in the experimental set up. It has been recommended that a combination of a fan and heat sink be used in the payload module of the satellite.by Aaron J. Parness.S.B

    Effect of Tidal Cycling Rate on the Distribution and Abundance of Nitrogen-Oxidizing Bacteria in a Bench-Scale Fill-and-Drain Bioreactor

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    Most domestic wastewater can be effectively treated for secondary uses by engineered biological systems. These systems rely on microbial activity to reduce nitrogen (N) content of the reclaimed water. Such systems often employ a tidal-flow process to minimize space requirements for the coupling of aerobic and anaerobic metabolic processes. In this study, laboratory-scale tidal-flow treatment systems were studied to determine how the frequency and duration of tidal cycling may impact reactor performance. Fluorescent in situ hybridization and epifluorescence microscopy were used to enumerate the key functional groups of bacteria responsible for nitrification and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox), and N-removal efficiency was calculated via a mass-balance approach. When water was cycled (i.e., reactors were filled and drained) at high frequencies (16–24 cycles day−1), nitrate accumulated in the columns—presumably due to inadequate periods of anoxia that limited denitrification. At lower frequencies, such as 4 cycles day−1, nearly complete N removal was achieved (80–90%). These fill-and-drain systems enriched heavily for nitrifiers, with relatively few anammox-capable organisms. The microbial community produced was robust, surviving well through short (up to 3 h) anaerobic periods and frequent system-wide perturbation